‘GO TO SCHOOL Supplies’ – For Tanzania


At a time when students in Canada are starting back to school, PROJECT TEMBO is working to help adolescent girls go to secondary school.

In Tanzania, only 32% of girls continue on from primary school to secondary school. For many reasons, these girls struggle to succeed. To address this, TEMBO is launching a new 10-week educational program in September to provide an academic boost for girls in math and language arts combined with the development of their English language skills. In addition, the program provides professional development for local teachers through workshops and dialogue with qualified

Canadian volunteer teachers. Above all, this will be in a safe and supportive learning environment!

Support Learning with a BAG FULL OF TEXTBOOKS

TEMBO would like to provide every girl in our educational programs with a bag full of books and school supplies. Each bag will contain a secondary school Math and English syllabus book, a dictionary and an atlas to explore the world. In addition, each bag will include exercise books, pens, pencils, a compass and protractor, and an eraser.

 $5 donation provides a girl with school supplies
 $8 donation provides a girl with an English-Kiswahili dictionary
 $12 donation provides a girl with an atlas for geography class
 $32 donation provides a girl with a complete bag of syllabus books and school supplies

 $40 donation provides girls with a solar powered LED lantern for studying

How you can help: please make a donation today and our staff in Tanzania will source the supplies locally and start to fill the bags. Donors will receive an email thank you from the girls in our programs.

Please send your donation by Sept. 5th 2013 – just in time for school!

  1. Make cheque payable to PROJECT TEMBO and mail to 4C-268 First Ave., Ottawa, On
  2. Click on Canada Helps (www.canadahelps.org) and select Project TEMBO as the charity of choice.

Our CRA registration number is 856825872RR0001. Income tax receipts will be issued within two weeks for donations over $10.00. If you donate by credit card through Canada Helps, you will receive an income tax receipt directly from them.

Go to School


www.projectembo.org                                                                Thank you – Asante Sana!

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