The Power of Literacy Education
UNESCO’s International Literacy Day (ILD) may have taken place on September 8 – but here at TEMBO, a key component of the Women’s Outreach program is literacy education for women all year long!
Every week, staff from Learning in Longido provide women in three remote villages with an opportunity to develop their literacy skills.
Many of the women never attended school or perhaps left after only one or two years of primary school. Today, they’re very proud of their achievements.
What the women like best in the classroom:
- Meeting together
- Coming to Learning in Longido for celebrations
- Support from TEMBO and LIL
ILD2023 is an opportunity to join efforts to accelerate progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) on education and lifelong learning and to reflect on the role of literacy in building more inclusive, peaceful, just, and sustainable societies.
In doing so, it will embrace the reciprocal relations between literacy and other areas of development: Literacy is central to the creation of such societies, while progress in other areas of development contributes to generating interest and motivation of people to acquire, use, and further develop their literacy and numeracy skills. Visit the UNESCO website for more information.