Your donation will provide the necessary support for girls to thrive in secondary school including critical academic support programs and the girl care program.
PASS: Primary and Secondary Success is a transition program coordinated by TEMBO for girls ages 13-15 as they transition from primary to secondary school. It is designed to improve the girls’ English language proficiency, teach study skills, introduce secondary subjects and build confidence. This program also keeps the girls safe while they wait for the beginning of secondary school.
TEC: TEMBO English Camp is run during the mid-year break for all TEMBO sponsored girls offering them a chance to continue to develop their language proficiency and reinforce abstract concepts in math and science.
Girl Care: Girls who are at highest risk of early marriage or face hardship due to poverty can stay at the TEMBO hostel, in a safe and supervised environment.
These three programs have contributed to school retention and completion of lower secondary school for the TEMBO-sponsored girls. In Tanzania, only 1 in 4 girls will complete secondary school. Today, TEMBO-sponsored girls have an 80% completion rate.